The Department of Homeland Security Privacy Office has released its annual privacy report to Congress. You can access it here (pdf). Here’s a snippet from the report:
A total of 279 privacy incidents were reported to the DHS EOC [Enterprise Operations Center] during the reporting period. The majority of the incidents affected a small number of individuals and data, while a select few incidents involved larger amounts of data. Mitigation and remediation of each incident is coordinated among the DHS Privacy Office, EOC, component privacy officers and PPOCs, and Information Systems Security Managers. DHS investigated, mitigated, and closed 250 or 90% of the reported privacy incidents. Of those reported, 10% remain open. By comparison, during the previous reporting year, the Office mitigated and closed 77% of the reported privacy incidents, and 23% remained open. The average number of days during which an incident remained open decreased from 46 in the previous reporting period to 27. The decrease is due to the constant communication and collaboration among the many offices mentioned above.