Grant Gross reports:
Several major U.S. Internet companies, including Google and Facebook, need to “step up” and better protect consumer privacy or face tougher penalties from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, a commissioner said Wednesday.
Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour, who is leaving the FTC next month, ripped into Google for the launch of its Buzz social-networking tool in February, and she complained that many other Internet firms, including Facebook and Microsoft, aren’t encrypting the consumer data that lives in their clouds.
“I am especially concerned that technology companies are learning harmful lessons from each other’s attempts to push the privacy envelop,” she said during an FTC privacy workshop. “Even the most respected and popular online companies, the ones who claim to respect privacy, continue to launch products where the guiding privacy policy seems to be, ‘Throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.'”
Read more on Network World.
And Ziplock sends along this link to more coverage at Mashable.