Keith Rozario writes:
On the 23rd of November 2015, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said denied that the Malaysian government had procured spyware from hacking team. In a formal response (in Parliament!!), the Minister simply stated “For your information, no such device was purchased by the Prime Minister’s Department”.
For YOUR information, dear Minister, I don’t like being lied to, and oh look there’s a flying pig by the window. Next time ask your PR guys to call me before you go setting your pants on fire.
Ok folks, here’s a step-by-step on why we can trust the hacking team leak, why there’s conclusive proof Malaysia bought this spyware, and why we should be worried about the manner in which it is being used.
Read his post on his blog.
CORRECTION: Keith Rozario’s was misspelled when this post first appeared. I did wonder if he would consider asking him to change his name to match my post, but decided it would probably just be better for me to fix my mistake. Apologies to Keith.
Erm, it’s Keith Rozario…not Kevin Rosario
Well, that’s embarrassing. I had actually caught my error and fixed it before posting, but I guess the edit didn’t get saved. Sorry about that, Keith, and thanks for correcting me.