Jake Sherman’s blog over on The Wall Street Journal has an interesting tidbit on Congresswoman Michele Bachman’s concerns over completing the 2010 census.
Apparently, Will Caskey, president of Chicago’s Third Coast Research (a Democratic opposition research firm), completed his own census form for Bachmann based on earlier questionnaires and Google and public records. You can see his estimated form here (pdf).
Sherman adds,
He couldn’t find out quite everything about her: whether she is selling agricultural products in her home, the state of her mental health, how much she is spending on fuel, or her ancestry.
Debbee Keller, a spokeswoman for the congresswoman, said those are the questions Bachmann worries about. Keller was also quick to point out that many of Caskey’s answers are incorrect, but declined to elaborate saying she didn’t want to “draw attention” to the congresswoman’s personal life.