Janelle Harris is not only a snooping mom, but she’s proud of it and wants the world to know that Moms should snoop – often:
As far as I’m concerned, kids don’t have privacy and it doesn’t really matter what grade they’re in. So long as my name is on that 12-inch-tall stack of papers that obligates me to pay for the piece of property my child and I call home, my kid doesn’t have a right to refusal if I want to read her diary or unfurl those notes she passed in second period science.
In fact, my child should feel lucky to have a bedroom door at all — and if I feel like my child is doing something that even hints at being wrong, that door will be gone. I’ll read her email, I’ll rifle through her bookbag, I’ll toss her whole bedroom just to make sure I leave no scrap of questionable evidence undiscovered. Operating on suspicion is more than enough reason to check up behind your kids.
Read more of her deep philosophy about parenting and child privacy on The Stir.