Drug dealing is such a problem in Fairfax schools that some principals want to install surveillance cameras.
But it’s not just the drug deals. It’s also the food fights…. and maybe the bullying.
And a lot of parents support the idea. Well, why not, most parents think improving safety or reducing bullying is a good idea and will all-too-quickly agree to surveillance without fuller consideration or appreciation of whether surveillance sends a bad message and may have unintended consequences. So it is not surprising to hear that the majority of PTA’s are behind the plan – or at least neutral
Fairfax and Arlington counties are reportedly the only two school systems in the Washington, D.C. area that currently do not allow in-school surveillance. But now Fairfax may join the ranks of those that do permit it. NBC reports:
Principals in Fairfax County would like to be able to keep track of students with new surveillance cameras placed inside high school buildings.
On Monday, the Fairfax County School Board will meet to discuss the proposal.
The school board writes on its website that after the school system’s principals met with PTSA’s over the past two months, the planned cameras have met with positive reaction. Principals said that 80 percent of the PTSAs either supported or took no position on the new cameras.
Read more on NBC Washington.
When this generation becomes adults, what will their “reasonable expectation of privacy” be? Will there even be any left?