From the FTC:
The Federal Trade Commission is extending the public comment periods for two proposals made under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule in light of the recent lapse in federal appropriations that resulted in the temporary shutdown of the agency.
The public comment period for the verifiable parental consent proposal from Imperium, LLC, previously scheduled to end on Oct. 9, 2014, will now end on Nov. 4, 2013.
The public comment period for the proposed kidSAFE Seal COPPA safe harbor program, previously scheduled to end Oct. 18, 2013, will now end on Nov. 4, 2013.
Comments on the proposals can be filed online:These changes, along with accompanying extensions to the Commission’s 120-day review period for verifiable parental consent programs pending before the Commission, will be published in the Federal Register shortly. The Commission vote to approve the changes was 4-0.