I was delighted to see that Ryan Calo has offered his comments on the FAA’s roadmap and privacy requirements, released this past week and mentioned previously on this blog. I was especially glad that he responded to Senator Markey’s criticism of the FAA’s plans as inadequate and necessitating federal privacy legislation.
You can read Ryan’s analysis and commentary over on Forbes.
“I thought it particularly telling that the FAA referred to well-known (if imperfect) privacy standards, noting (page 12) that site privacy plans must be “informed” by the same “Fair Information Practice Principles” that the Federal Trade Commission looks to in policing Internet privacy.”
Really? Do we really want the same lame, ‘opt-out of every individual entity’s hidden, cryptic, legalistic, privacy policy’ standards that have destroyed internet privacy adopted in real space?
There is no expectation of privacy on the internet. Currently there is an ecpectation of privacy in real space if you see no other people around you. That will disappear as soon as it becomes clear that individuals have to prove economic damage to have standing to sue the entrepeneur who comes up with the viable one drone per person business plan.
Far fetched? What would you have thought ten years ago about a plan to photograph every mile of every street in the United States and offer the results to the general public at no charge? Seen Google Maps Street View lately?
Limits must be set in law BEFORE the expectation of any outdoor privacy becomes a fond memory.