Brett Max Kaufman reports:
The US government last week conceded for the first time that some companies have the right to publish so called “warrant canaries” in a new filing supporting its partial motion to dismiss Twitter’s effort to publish more detailed statistics about the national-security surveillance requests the company has (or has not) received. This is indeed a significant development, and it should remove a cloud of legal doubt for certain providers who publish statements indicating they have received zero national-security requests. But the government’s concession comes with several qualifications that significantly limit its reach, and the biggest statutory and constitutional questions surrounding warrant canaries will have to await decision on another day.
Read more on Just Security.
For those who may not check my other site, does have a warrant canary in the sidebar. Because the site receives anonymous tips and I occasionally interview hackers as part of the site’s coverage, I decided it was important to try to be transparent about any government requests or orders received. So far, thankfully, there have been none.