From the Privacy Commissioner of New Zealand’s web site:
Our new online Privacy training modules are now available to use.
These are:
Privacy 101 – which covers all the material previously taught in our Privacy Act training workshops. The material aims to introduce you to key concepts and definitions contained in the Privacy Act, including a brief discussion about the interface between the Official Information Act (OIA) and the Privacy Act. It focuses on the 12 information privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act.
Health 101 – which covers all the material previously taught in our Health Information Privacy Code training workshops. The material aims to introduce you to key concepts and definitions contained in the Health Information Privacy Code (HIPC) and how they may be applied in practice. It focuses on the 12 health information privacy rules contained in the Code and will consider how they apply in practice.
The online training modules are free. To register, go to:
We hope you find these online learning tools useful. We would be delighted to receive any feedback. Please email us at: [email protected]
Under the terms of their CCL, I think I’m obligated to tell you that use of their material does not suggest that they endorse me,, or my use of their material.
Microaggressions hurt. 🙂