Rob Spahr reports:
The Lacey Township Board of Education approved a new policy Monday night that will create a voluntary random drug-testing program for middle school students.
Seventh and eight grade students who participate in the school district’s interscholastic athletic programs or extracurricular programs will be given the option to participate in the random drug testing program, and then their parents must sign a consent form consenting to the program’s provisions for 12 months.
Well, if it’s voluntary, and involves consent, that doesn’t sound too bad, right? Read on….
A student who refuses to consent to the test after being randomly selected could be considered in violation of the policy and subject to the same consequences as if they had tested positive for alcohol or drugs.
The discipline for a positive for alcohol or drug test under the program will be limited to the removal from or prohibition again participation in interscholastic sports and extra-curricular activities. No student will be penalized academically for testing positive for drug or alcohol under the policy.
The first violation of the policy carries a penalty of the student not being able to participate in an extracurricular activity for up to 10 days. A second violation carries a 45-day penalty and the requirement to attend eight counseling sessions. A third violation will result in the student being prohibited in any interscholastic athletic activity or extracurricular event.
So if the student refuses, they can be barred from activities.
Once again, we are teaching kids to just comply with authority and that they have to give up rights to their own body.
Bah. Hopefully, parents will think about the pro’s and con’s of signing consent.
h/t, Joe Cadillic