I’m back home now after PLSC, and starting to get caught up on posting news items, but am still just totally pumped up from a great conference.
Because the rules don’t permit discussion of specifics about who said what, etc. let me just put it this way:
When experts in privacy law are responding to papers with, “Thank you, because I learned so much from your paper,” you know you’ve got some really high-quality papers and scholarship at the event.
But the workshop sessions are just one part of the event. Chris Hoofnagle and Dan Solove, the event’s tireless organizers year after year make sure that there are also sufficient breaks for people to just find each other and talk about issues or whatever outside of the formal workshop sessions. And for me, learning what some researchers are working on now…. years before we’ll see any papers… is just so exciting, as is the opportunity to catch up with some folks I don’t get to see nearly enough.
Then too, it was so helpful to be able to connect with some folks in government so I could make contact about breaches that I want to report to them or have them investigate. More on that in the future, too!
So bear with me while I start to get caught up here. And as I can tell you more about some of the papers that were workshopped, I will.