If Croydon council’s placement of CCTV cameras inside private homes to monitor unsuspecting people outside on the street creeps you out, read on, because your UK home is no longer your castle and government intrusiveness is running amok…
Joe Wolverton, II reports:
Just when they thought they could not be under more surveillance or monitored more often, English people discovered Sunday that inspectors from the Department of Health will soon be permitted almost unrestricted and completely unprecedented entry to the homes of parents whose children are reported to be “at risk.”
The supernannies in the English government, specifically the Department of Health, have ordered local councils (government bodies with authority over small geographic areas) to “collect data” on families thought to be displaying behavior likely to cause “unintentional injury.” Shockingly, the data will be collected by sending agents into the target homes — without warrants and without warning — to determine whether the parents or guardians of the children have provided them with the necessary safety precautions such as smoke alarms, door locks, stair gates, proper temperature in the hot water heater, etc.
Read more on New American.