Edward Hasbrouck writes:
Ongoing litigation on behalf of journalist Thomas Brewster and Forbes Media has revealed a few more details about how computerized reservation systems (CRSs) collaborate with the US government to surveil travelers. It has also prompted new denials by some of those CRS companies that range from misdirection to out-and-out lies.
In 2020, Forbes published a report by Mr. Brewster based on a Federal court order (found by Mr. Brewster in the public court docket, but later “sealed” by the government) that directed Sabre, one of the three major CRS or “global distribution system” (GDS) companies, to provide ongoing real-time reports to the FBI on any reservations made for travel by a specified person of interest. The court docket for a separate case in a different Federal district showed that at least one similar order had been issued to Travelport, another of the three globally dominant CRS companies.
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