Andy Rose reports that a white male is not only trying to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies, but he is criminalizing — or attempting to — assisting a woman trying to arrange healthcare out of state.
Yep, you read that correctly. The Alabama Attorney General calls it a criminal conspiracy if anyone helps a woman make arrangements for an out-of-state abortion.
Some organizations are fighting him, but there is not enough outrage in this country about men making decisions about women’s healthcare.
Vote them all out. And let’s pass laws prohibiting any treatment for prostate cancer and criminalizing any actions to assist patients getting treatment for it.
And of course, vasectomies have to be prohibited. Instead, let’s mandate castration of men if any woman has an unwanted pregnancy that she is not allowed to abort.
Do I sound angry?
I am.
h/t, Joe Cadillic