Andrea Rock of Consumer Reports highlights one of the findings of a new Ponemon report described on
Not only are data breaches from criminal attacks on U.S.-based companies’ financial and customer data on the rise, but your odds of being promptly informed if you’re a breach victim aren’t very high, according to a new data breach report just released by the Ponemon Insitute.
The report analyzed data breaches at 45 U.S. companies from 15 different industry sectors. It found that breaches due to malicious attacks and data-stealing botnets— rather than human negligence or computer system glitches—doubled from 2008 to 2009.Only about 36 percent of participating organizations notified victims within one month of the breach, however. The report identifies such companies as “quick responders,” and notes that their costs per record stolen ended up being higher than for companies that waited longer to notify victims.
Read more on Consumer Reports.