Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay has an opinion piece that begins:
On April 14, Prasar Bharati issued an office memorandum making it mandatory for its staff to install the Aarogya Setu app. The memo was issued the day prime minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation to announce that the nationwide lockdown would remain in force till May 3, although there will be partial easing from April 20. He too appealed to the people to download the app. Earlier, on April 6, he had asked BJP workers to promote the app among the people.
… Aarogya Setu has also been recommended by the Central Board of Secondary Education in schools and other educational institutions that it can influence. Government sources have claimed that till the point of writing almost 50 million users have downloaded the app since it was launched in early April. This makes it globally the fastest-ever downloaded app. There are apprehensions that the government may eventually make it compulsory, like Aadhaar once was, to run the downloaded app in order to either access government facilities and services or even to enter public spaces.
Read more about concerns about the app on Asian Age.