Europol announces: Authorities are staying on top of the encrypted messaging services that criminals use to undertake their activities. A joint investigation team (JIT) involving French and Dutch authorities has taken down another sophisticated encrypted messaging service, MATRIX. For three months, authorities were able to monitor the messages from possible criminals, which will now be…
Author: Dissent
US plan to protect consumers from data brokers faces dim future under Trump
Jon Brodkin reports: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is trying to rein in data brokers that sell Americans’ personal and financial information with a new rule that would classify the brokers as consumer reporting agencies. But the proposal has a dim future in the Trump administration, and the CFPB itself could face new limits…
FTC Takes Action Against Mobilewalla for Collecting and Selling Sensitive Location Data
The Federal Trade Commission will prohibit data broker Mobilewalla, Inc. from selling sensitive location data, including data that reveals the identity of an individual’s private home, to settle allegations the data broker sold such information without taking reasonable steps to verify consumers’ consent. Under the FTC’s proposed settlement order, Mobilewalla will also be banned from collecting…
FTC Takes Action Against IntelliVision Technologies for Deceptive Claims About its Facial Recognition Software
The Federal Trade Commission is taking action against IntelliVision Technologies Corp. for making false, misleading or unsubstantiated claims that its AI-powered facial recognition software was free of gender and racial bias and making other misleading claims about the technology. Under a proposed consent order settling the FTC’s allegations, IntelliVision will be prohibited from misrepresenting the accuracy and…