Samantha Hawkins reports: Harriet Carter Gifts Inc. and NaviStone Inc. once again face liability for tracking consumer activity on Harriet Carter’s website, after the Third Circuit held Tuesday that the tracking might have violated Pennsylvania’s electronic surveillance law. Ashley Popa sued Harriet Carter after learning that marketing service NaviStone tracked her activities across the store’s…
Police Used a Baby’s DNA to Investigate Its Father for a Crime
Emily Mullin reports: If you were born in the United States within the last 50 or so years, chances are good that one of the first things you did as a baby was give a DNA sample to the government. By the 1970s, states had established newborn screening programs, in which a nurse takes a few…
Mozilla finds 18 of 25 popular reproductive health apps leak data
Jessica Lyons Hardcastle reports: It’s official: your period and/or pregnancy tracker will probably share your data with law enforcement. And they might even do it on purpose. Eighteen of 25 reproductive health apps and wearable devices reviewed by Mozilla received a *Privacy Not Included warning label – meaning they have problems when it comes to protecting users’ privacy…
State Privacy Laws Will Spur Action Against Dark Patterns
Alyssa Boyle reports: We’re about to see a lot more enforcement against dark patterns from the Federal Trade Commission and on a state level. Dark patterns involve using manipulative or ambiguous language that pushes people to take an action they either don’t understand or wouldn’t normally take, such as sharing their data or agreeing to…