The blog’s been quiet the past few days because I was down in D.C. attending the Privacy Law Scholars Conference. That event has become my hands-down favorite conference to attend, and great thanks and kudos to Dan Solove and Chris Hoofnagle for their vision and energy in organizing it. And great thanks to the event’s sponsors, who include the Future of Privacy Forum, Google, Microsoft, and George Washington University Law School. The conference is always a fantastic blend of sessions and opportunities to chat or network informally. I suspect many people, like me, left there feeling simultaneously tired and energized.
Out of respect for the rules of the conference, I won’t be blogging about specific papers or comments made during the workshops, but I will say that there were so many thought-provoking papers workshopped that it was often difficult to decide which sessions to attend. I hope all of those who shared their works in progress got helpful feedback as they go forward in their work and I look forward to reading their articles when they are published.
On a humorous note, towards the end of the conference, I was chatting with a grad student about some research he’s engaged in. He didn’t know about this blog, which is understandable, but when I gave him the name of it, he politely asked, “Who’s Pogo?” Talk about feeling instantly old…. 🙂
Anyway, stay tuned…. I’m working on my first cup of coffee and will start getting my blogs caught up.