Susanne Pesel reports:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have funded the Measures of Effective Teaching Project (MET) which brings together volunteers and researchers “to build and test measures of effective teaching to find out how evaluation methods could best be used to tell teachers more about the skills that make them most effective and to help districts identify and develop great teaching.”
The BMGF have also invested $5 billion into having CCTV cameras installed in all classrooms across the nation allegedly “for every teacher in every classroom in every district to be filmed in action so they can be evaluated and, maybe, improve.”
This initiative would facilitate “videotaped lessons, classroom observations by trained observers, student satisfaction surveys, and value-added calculations based on test scores.”
His proposals are so problematic that it’s hard to even know where to start responding to his ideas, but if you want to create an environment where kids feel emotionally safe to learn, to question, and to take risks in their thinking, constant surveillance is counter-indicated.
Thanks to Joe Cadillic for this link.