Rikki Schierer reports:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent talks with U.S. President Barack Obama regarding thinning the border has much larger implications for Canadians, MP Nathan Cullen said.
Introduced as a means to increase economic benefits, it’s a way to lessen the “thickening” of the border that has hindered trade and tourism, Cullen said. The policy doesn’t just impact those going to the U.S. but those flying through it to another country, including routes through Canada that just happen to cross the border.
Also included in these talks is increased sharing of information between Canadians who are flying through the U.S. and the U.S. government; information such as credit card information, health records, criminal records, and more.
“This is information that isn’t even allowed to be held by the Canadian Government, we’re going to now allow it to anybody flying over U.S. airspace and have Washington have access to it,” Cullen said. “This has got serious implications for privacy.”
Read more on BClocalNews.com.