I don’t normally post surveys to PogoWasRight.org, but there really should be some perks for contributing to this site, so when CAPAPA, who have sent me a number of links and news items for this site, asked me to post an invitation to participate in their salary survey, I’m happy to do so:
CAPAPA’s 2010 Salary Survey is Live!
Are you earning what you’re worth? Are you paying too much or too little to your Access and Privacy staff?
As the voice of Access and Privacy in Canada, CAPAPA is your source for the information, expertise and skills you need to succeed and thrive in Canada’s complex data protection profession.
We pride ourselves on ensuring that the right respondents take our survey, generating results that will help support Canada’s dynamic Access and Privacy community.
We are calling on all members of Canada’s Access and Privacy community and Data Protection practitioners to participate in this year’s Survey.
Your information will help establish a reliable benchmark of compensation for Canadian Access and Privacy professionals and to examine differences by job title among different industry, company size and regional segments. We will be able to examine and assess factors that affect job satisfaction and retention. As well, we will be able to assess the anticipated requirements of hiring managers and identify the level of competition for Access and Privacy professionals and areas of potential skills shortage.
Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be able to fine-tune your Access and Privacy salary negotiations with accurate wage information matched to your job profile and region.
It should take you less than 5 minutes to complete the survey. Please be assured your answers are completely confidential and will be reported in aggregate only.
To take part in this survey, visit