Suppose a company ran a credit check on you despite the fact that you had no relationship to that company and had not requested nor consented to any credit check. What do you think the government would do to the company, if anything? Well, if you are in Norwary, the Norwegian DPA might fine that…
Category: Breaches
Dutch watchdog slams tax office fraud list as privacy breach
Mike Corder reports: A Dutch data protection watchdog issued a damning report Friday about the country’s tax office, saying it breached privacy law for years by keeping a list of potential fraudsters. It was another blow for the scandal-plagued Dutch tax office, which already is embroiled in the fallout from a discredited effort to root…
Inadequate access controls that permit access to non-patients’ data? That will cost you.
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority recently fined the Høylandet Municipal Council 41,000 euros ($47,565.00) because image files containing health data about people with no connection to the municipality were accessible to staff at the health clinic, and the council still did not implement appropriate access controls after they became aware of the problem. Read more…
Weekly Privacy/Civil Rights News Stories from MassPrivateI
Military-intelligence outfit Mitre at center of US digital vaccine passport push: Other news about vaccination and surveillance: California Shuts Down 2nd. In-N-Out Burger For Refusing To Be “Vaccination Police For Government” Parents Reported to Child Services for Keeping Unvaccinated Kids Home: If Courts Won’t Protect People’s Phones At The Border, Congress…