The Register has an article from that begins: New rules setting out the circumstances in which telecoms companies need to report personal data breaches, as well as the kind of information they need to share in those reports, have come into force. The EU’s Regulation on the notification of personal data breaches (7-page/756KB PDF) applies…
Category: Breaches
Every call you take, I’ll be watching you: Google withdraws boyfriend-spying app over complaints of privacy abuse (but not before thousands download it)
Associated Press and Catherine Townsend report: Google Play has been forced to remove a Boyfriend Tracker app from sale in Brazil in response to complaints about privacy abuses, as well as its potential to be used for extortion or stalking. Brazilians were outraged when they learned their country was a top target of the U.S….
Austria: Under pressure: data breach notification must be made within 24 hours
Günther Leissler and Veronika Wolfbauer explain: The European regulatory framework on electronic communications obliges providers of public electronic communications services to notify personal data breaches to their national authorities.(1) However, the European Commission recently found a lack of harmonisation among member states in this respect, and exercised its power to issue technical implementing measures on the…
The FTC and the New Common Law of Privacy
One of the liveliest discussions at the recent Privacy Law Scholar’s Conference was about a paper by Dan Solove and Woody Hartzog, “The FTC and the New Common Law of Privacy.” Because of conference rules, I could not blog about it previously, but the authors have now uploaded it to SSRN, where you can download it for…