Eline Buvarp Aardal reports on a raid that was previously covered on this blog back in December, although at the time, it was reported that 2,000 people were affected. Italian police have asked colleagues in Norway to obtain personal information about the two bloggers from a server in Oslo. Server belong to the organization Autistici…
Category: Breaches
FTC: Investigating Google Street View is a “waste of summer”
From EPIC.org: In documents obtained by EPIC through a Freedom of Information Act request, a senior attorney with the Federal Trade Commission describes the Google WiFi investigation as a “wasted summer” and hopes that a Hill briefing on Google WiFi “won’t be too much of a time suck.” EPIC sought these documents after the FTC dropped its investigation…
California Legislature to take up data breach notification proposal
A new year, a new governor, the same old problem and perhaps the same solution. State Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, has introduced a bill that he says will enhance consumer privacy protection by strengthening the notification requirements when databases of personal information are compromised. It’s the same bill that the Legislature passed last year…
Ca: Privacy commissioner says she may need power to fine
Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart says the complaints-based system for regulating privacy breaches may not be up to snuff and that her office may need the power to levy fines to get companies to pay attention. Stoddart made the comments Wednesday in a speech to the Centre for Law, Technology and Society at the University of…