As a follow-up to a case mentioned on this site yesterday, and as BBC reports: A 14-year-old boy has won permission to challenge a police decision to publish his photograph in an investigation into street violence in Londonderry. A High Court judge ruled on Wednesday that there was an arguable case that using his image…
Category: Breaches
Many Android apps leak user privacy data
John Cox reports: A recent test of prototype security code for Android phones found that 15 of 30 free Android Market applications sent users’ private information to remote advertising servers, without the users being aware of what was being sent or to whom. In some cases, the user’s location data was sent as often as…
Sale of Personal Data for Direct Marketing — How Many Tentacles Can an Octopus Have?
Gabriela Kennedy and Heidi Gleeson write about the Octopus breach previously mentioned on this site. The recent large scale sale of personal data by Hong Kong’s Octopus Holdings Ltd. for the purposes of direct marketing is currently being investigated by the Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner and has prompted calls for reforms to the data protection…
Jurors award $100k to innocent ID theft victim held overnight in jail
Earlier this month I posted a link to a story about a woman who sued Seminole County for keeping her locked up in jail overnight and putting her through a strip search even after they knew she was the victim of ID theft. At the time, I was somewhat offended by the County’s defense attorney’s…