Moxie Marlinspike writes: Last week I was contacted by an agent of Mobily, one of two telecoms operating in Saudi Arabia, about a surveillance project that they’re working on in that country. Having published two reasonably popular MITM tools, it’s not uncommon for me to get emails requesting that I help people with their interception projects. I…
Category: Business
LinkedIn Updates Privacy Policy to Let In Advertisers
Kevin Chen reports that an announcement by LinkedIn is being met with some skepticism: Next week, LinkedIn (NYSE: LNKD ) will update its privacy policy to let advertisers sponsor content on the LinkedIn feed. LinkedIn announced the plans to change its privacy policy so as to not surprise its users. Beyond introducing advertising changes on its platform, LinkedIn will…
Delta succeeds in dismissing California AG’s first CalOPPA case
I still haven’t been able to download a copy of the court’s opinion on this case, and the article below doesn’t provide a copy, but Nigel Howard writes: California Attorney General Kamala Harris failed in her first attempt to sue a company for failing to post a privacy policy on a mobile app. Harris alleged…
Euclid Analytics And Retailers: How Stores Like Nordstrom Track You Via Your Smartphone’s Wi-Fi Signal
Nordstrom may no longer be using Euclid to track smartphones, but other retailers are. And Ryan Grenoble reports that opting out may not be easy for some shoppers: On its privacy page, Euclid assures skeptics it does not collect sensitive data, such as “who you are, whom you call or the websites you visit.” The anonymous…