AFP reports that France’s data privacy regulator has imposed a fine of 100,000 euros ($142,000) on Google for having collected private information while compiling its panoramic Street View service. The fine appears to the largest one ever handed out since the regulator was given the authority to issue fines in 2004. Read about it on Times of…
Category: Business
Against Notice Skepticsm In Privacy (And Elsewhere)
Ryan Calo writes: Requiring notice is an extraordinarily popular way to regulate. In online privacy, for instance, giving notice about their practices is among the only affirmative obligations websites face. The strategy is also one of the most heavily criticized. Not only does no one read privacy policies, skeptics rightly point out, but many believe that…
iPad pits consumer privacy against advertising measurability
Marin Software, the leading paid-search marketing platform provider, has today announced that online marketers are devising campaigns based on incorrect data. Its latest research revealed that 80% of paid search conversions on Apple’s iOS devices are undercounted due to third-party tracking cookies being blocking by default Read more on UTalk Marketing. Clearly it’s the fault…
Yahoo to show how data used to target adverts
Tim Bradshaw reports: Yahoo has launched a scheme in the UK to show visitors to its websites how their personal data are used to target advertising, the first such move by a large internet publisher ahead of the introduction of new European online privacy rules. A year after its launch in the US, Yahoo’s “Ad…