Tanya Forsheit has an analysis and commentary on an appellate decision that may be of interest to consumers who resent merchants from requesting their zip codes: On Friday, the California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, certified for publication its October 8 opinion in Pineda v. Williams-Sonoma, the most recent in a string of decisions…
Category: Business
Twitter finally removing deleted tweets from search results
MG Siegler writes: While most users may have not realized it, Twitter has had a rather annoying problem for some time now: If you deleted a tweet, it would still reside in Twitter Search’s index. This meant that if you said something you didn’t mean to, or made a mistake that you hoped to correct…
Q&A: Schneier warns of marketers and dancing pigs
Elinor Mills interviews cryptographer and consultant Bruce Schneier, who “pokes fun at National Cyber Security Month, talks about his background in crypto and working for the U.S. Defense Department, and says he fears privacy invasion more from marketers than governments or criminals.” In an e-mail Q&A, he responds: Don’t people care about their privacy? Schneier:…
Online advertising is threatened by Europe’s cookie law
Struan Robertson of Out-Law.com has an editorial piece on how the fate of online advertising cookies in the UK is tied to a file-sharing bill that has as yet to be resolved: Visitors to websites in Europe may soon face a barrage of pop-ups that seek their consent to internet cookies. Bizarrely, the plan to…