Isobel Sullivan reports: If you’re one of Telegram’s 500 million active users, your privacy may no longer be guaranteed. Last Friday Der Spiegel, Germany’s largest news site, revealed that operators of the messaging platform handed over personal data to the authorities, despite the app claiming that they have never succumbed to such requests. […] While Telegram…
Category: Business
Kaplan Bill Combating Hate on Social Media Signed Into Law with Landmark Legislative Package to Prevent Gun Violence
Anna M. Kaplan writes: CARLE PLACE, NY (June 6, 2022) — Governor Kathy Hochul today signed a landmark legislative package to immediately strengthen the state’s gun laws, close critical loopholes exposed by shooters in Buffalo and Uvalde and protect New Yorkers from the scourge of gun violence that continues to infect our nation and endanger our communities. The package includes…
California Attorney General Reminds Health App Providers of Obligations to Protect Reproductive Health Information
Hunton Andrews Kurth writes: On May 26, 2022, California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a press release reminding health app providers that California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (“CMIA”) applies to mobile apps that are designed to store medical information, which includes health apps such as fertility trackers. The press release reminds health app providers that the…
Tim Hortons app collected vast amounts of sensitive data: privacy watchdogs
Canadian Press reports: Federal and provincial privacy watchdogs say the Tim Hortons mobile ordering app violated the law by collecting vast amounts of location information from customers. In an investigation finding today, privacy commissioners say people who downloaded the Tim Hortons app had their movements tracked and recorded every few minutes of the day, even…