From the Yomiuri Shimbun: As so-called big data—various types of information gathered on a massive scale, such as smartphone locations—becomes widely used, controversy has arisen over how telecom operators should obtain the consent of individuals whose private information may be offered to a third party without their knowledge. NTT Docomo, Inc. provides location information on…
Category: Business
Encrypt the Web Report: Who’s Doing What
The good folks at EFF report: We’ve asked the companies in our Who Has Your Back Program what they are doing to bolster encryption in light of the NSA’s unlawful surveillance of your communications. We’re pleased to see that four companies—Dropbox, Google, SpiderOak and—are implementing five out of five of our best practices for encryption. In addition, we…
Privacy campaigners lose Luxembourg bid to censure Microsoft over NSA links
David Meyer reports: The campaign group Europe v Facebook has decried a decision by the Luxembourg data protection commissioner, which found that Microsoft and its Skype subsidiary have not broken EU privacy law by sending Europeans’ data back to the U.S. The National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) said on Monday that the data transfer…
The ‘Do Not Track Kids’ Act is back
Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) with Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) on Thursday introduced the “Do Not Track Kids” Act, comprehensive children’s online privacy legislation. The bills (S. 1700 and H.R. 3481), which amends the historic Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), will extend,…