Privacy Awareness Week is an annual promotion by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) forum that commenced in 2007. Here are some items related to it this year: From the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Australia: A new free online tool to help people protect themselves against identity theft has been launched as part…
Category: Featured News
A Response to the FTC
Normally, I’m very appreciative of all the FTC has done to protect consumer privacy and our data. But boy, did they blow it this time. On April 30, the FTC issued the following release: Mom has gone out of her way for you over the years. On Mother’s Day, let her know you’re doing the…
Install microchips in illegal immigrants, GOP candidate says
Jason Hancock reports: Instead of building a border fence to help stem illegal immigration, the U.S. government should implant microchips into immigrants before deportation, much like what is done with pets, Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician and one of seven Republicans running in the 3rd District Congressional primary, said Monday. While speaking at a Tama…
PrivacyCamp SF 2010
From EFF: EFF will be attending PrivacyCamp SF on Friday May 7th after the end of the Web 2.0 Expo, and we hope you will join us. The topic of the day will be Privacy and Social Networks. This first annual PrivacyCamp in San Francisco will be a day-long user-generated “unconference” of engineers, privacy advocates,…