A decision has been reached in a Canadian case on outing anonymous commenters. Dan Michaluk writes: Yesterday the Divisional Court held that a motions judge erred in requiring the owner/operator of a right-wing internet message board to disclose the identities of eight John Doe defendants who had posted commentary about lawyer Richard Warman. The case…
Category: Featured News
New Facebook Privacy Complaint Filed with Trade Commission
From EPIC: Today, EPIC and 14 privacy and consumer protection organizations filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, charging that Facebook has engaged in unfair and deceptive trade practices in violation of consumer protection law. The complaint states that changes to user profile information and the disclosure of user data to third parties without…
Data transfers to USA: Parliament states its terms
From the EU Parliament: MEPs voted on two resolutions in Brussels today, one on the opening of negotiations for an EU-US agreement to provide the US Treasury Department with bank data to combat terrorism, the other on the launch of negotiations for Passenger Name Record (PNR) agreements with the United States, Australia and Canada, also…
Video: Major Facebook security hole lets you view your friends’ live chats (Update 1)
Steve O’Hear writes: You’ve got to hand it to Facebook. They certainly know how to do security — not. Today I was tipped off that there is a major security flaw in the social networking site that, with just a few mouse clicks, enables any user to view the live chats of their ‘friends’. Using…