Over on The Volokh Conspiracy, Orin Kerr blogs about oral arguments in a case before the Third Circuit in which the government wants cell phone location data to be made available to it without any warrant: The Third Circuit held oral argument today in the case on the legal standard for historical cell-site information. I…
Category: Featured News
Why Pete Warden Should Not Release Profile Data on 215 Million Facebook Users
Michael Zimmer writes: Speaking of the research ethics related to automatically harvesting public social networking data, we are confronted this week with the story of Pete Warden, a former Apple engineer who has spent the last six months harvesting and analyzing data from some 215 million public Facebook profile pages. According to Warden, he exploited…
E.W. Scripps Co. joins text privacy case before Supreme Court
Damon Arthur reports: The E.W. Scripps Co., parent company of the Record Searchlight, has joined other news organizations in filing a brief in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that could have implications on the public’s right to access government records. Lawyers for E.W. Scripps and several other news agencies filed the “friend of…
Facebook Privacy Settlement Hits Bumps
Zusha Ellison reports: Lawyers pushing a Facebook privacy settlement are trying to fend off critics by suggesting in a Thursday filing (pdf) that privacy organizations are raising objections because they didn’t get a piece of the action. Facebook settled a class action in September over its controversial Beacon advertising program that broadcast to friends what…