CRS report 98-326 Privacy: An Overview of Federal Statutes Governing Wiretapping and Electronic Eavesdropping December 03, 2009 Summary: This report provides an overview of federal law governing wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping. It also appends citations to state law in the area and contains a bibliography of legal commentary as well as the text of the…
Category: Featured News
Congressman introduces federal anti-SLAPP bill
David L. Hudson Jr. writes: A Tennessee congressman has introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives known as “the Citizen Participation Act of 2009” that would provide protection for people who are sued for exercising their First Amendment rights of petition and speech. If passed, the measure by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., would…
Condé Nast Makes Strong Case To Unmask Blogger Who Posted Leaked Content
Wendy Davis reports: Condé Nast has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against unknown users who allegedly hacked into the company’s computer system, downloaded unpublished photos and articles, and then published them online. In papers filed in federal district court in New York, Condé Nast alleges that a host of material — including a big chunk…
Happy Holidays from
As many of us head into the last-minute rush and chaos of holiday preparations, I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy Holidays. Thanks to all those of you who have emailed me over the past year to thank me for this site and to tell…