Broadcast date: Thursday, July 16, 2009 1 – 2:30 p.m. EST Free registration required. More information here: Download the accompanying Encore Series PowerPoint presentations here: Cloud Computing and Privacy (pdf 3.84M) Identity, Identifiers and Personal Data (pdf 5.5M) Strategic Information Management: Beyond Personal Information (pdf 686K)
Category: Featured News
IAPP: Consumer Protection and Enforcement Government
Part of the Practical Privacy Series Location: Washington, DC More information here.
Congress delays debate on gay ban
Congress seems intent on delaying any debate on repealing the military’s ban on open service by gays until next year. As the House passed its version of the 2010 defense authorization bill, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee talked about having hearings later this year on the possible repeal of the so-called “don’t…
Password-protected comments off limits to boss
In a time when chat rooms, social networking and online forums are commonplace, how far can a company go in monitoring them for negative comments from discontented employees before they are guilty of “cybersnooping”? A case decided last week, involving two servers at the Houston’s Restaurant in Hackensack, posed that question, and a federal jury…