Ellen Nakashima and Reed Albergotti report: The iPhone used by a terrorist in the San Bernardino shooting was unlocked by a small Australian hacking firm in 2016, ending a momentous standoff between the U.S. government and the tech titan Apple. Azimuth Security, a publicity-shy company that says it sells its cyber wares only to democratic…
Category: Featured News
Ca: Data Breach Class Actions: Canadian Courts Taking a Harder Look
Brent J. Arnold and Alexanda Psellas of Gowling WLG write: The recent Ontario decision in Karasik v. Yahoo! Inc.,[1] suggests that while many plaintiffs’ lawyers anticipated a future of massive payouts for data breach class actions in Canada, recent court decisions predict a different course. The beginning of what may be an emerging consensus across provinces and…
More privacy news from here and there…
How national ID systems (vaccine passports) make social protection inaccessible to vulnerable populations: https://privacyinternational.org/long-read/4472/exclusion-design-how-national-id-systems-make-social-protection-inaccessible UK Prime Minister: The world will “definitely” use ‘vaccination passports’ https://www.politico.eu/article/boris-johnson-gives-clearest-hint-at-introduction-of-vaccine-passports/ 56 civil rights groups ask the European Commission to ban mass facial recognition surveillance: https://edri.org/our-work/european-commission-must-ban-biometric-mass-surveillance-practices-say-56-civil-society-groups/ EU police spy on 70,000 Encrochat encrypted phones: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/courtandcrime/arid-40242590.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkdjab/encrochat-signal-protocol-encryption France- Data Protection Authority to…
Alaska’s Consumer Data Privacy Act: Another CCPA Copycat, but With Its Own Unanswered Questions
Nancy Libin of Davis Wright Tremaine writes: Last week, Alaska joined the growing number of states considering comprehensive consumer privacy legislation when, at the behest of Governor Dunleavy, the Consumer Data Privacy Act was introduced in both chambers of the Alaska legislature. If enacted, the Act would become effective on January 1, 2023. The Act is modeled…