This should come as no surprise to any privacy advocate, but still, we need to remain vigilant to push back against efforts to water down consumer protections. Kartikay Mehrotra, Laura Mahoney, and Daniel Stoller report: Google and its industry allies are making a late bid to water down the first major data-privacy law in the…
Category: Featured News
Don’t Play in Google’s Privacy Sandbox
Bennett Cyphers writes: Last week, Google announced a plan to “build a more private web.” The announcement post was, frankly, a mess. The company that tracks user behavior on over ⅔ of the web said that “Privacy is paramount to us, in everything we do.” Google not only doubled down on its commitment to targeted…
Mental health websites in Europe found sharing user data for ads
Natasha Lomas reports: Research by a privacy rights advocacy group has found popular mental health websites in the EU are sharing users’ sensitive personal data with advertisers. Europeans going online to seek support with mental health issues are having sensitive health data tracked and passed to third parties, according to Privacy International’s findings — including…
Google accused of secretly feeding personal data to advertisers
Madhumita Murgia reports: Google is secretly using hidden web pages that feed the personal data of its users to advertisers, undermining its own policies and circumventing EU privacy regulations that require consent and transparency, according to one of its smaller rivals. New evidence submitted to an investigation by the Data Protection Commissioner in Dublin, which…