There have been a number of reviews of privacy and security news in 2018. Here’s one by Jadzia Pierce of Covington & Burling, the law firm that has represented my blogs for lo, these many years. I thank them for their ongoing support of my work, and wish them all a happy and healthy New Year in 2019….
Category: Featured News
Vendors team to try to reduce patient data snooping
Joseph Goedert reports: CynergisTek is a cybersecurity and information management consultancy with expertise in the optimization of privacy programs and its partner, Protenus, offers technology to monitor health professionals’ behaviors using analytical and artificial intelligence technologies. Two health IT vendors are developing a service to enable providers to establish and maintain an effective privacy monitoring…
Hundreds of police departments have secretly created public safety watchlists
Joe Cadillic writes: To everyone that thinks secret watchlists are nothing more than a conspiracy theory I give you, law enforcement’s secret public safety watchlists. The name of the company responsible for creating public safety watchlists should say it all but I digress. A recent article in Xconomy reveals that law enforcement is using Suspect Technologies facial recognition software…
Facebook Is Being Sued by DC’s Attorney General Over ‘Failure’ to Protect User Privacy
Ian Lopez reports: The District of Columbia is bringing suit against social media giant Facebook Inc. over the company’s “failure” to “honor its promise” to protect the personal data of users. The 21-page complaint, filed in the D.C. Superior Court, alleges that Facebook’s “lax oversight and enforcement of third-party applications” demonstrates how the company falls…