Julia Angwin has an OpEd on the NY Times. She writes, in part: One of the last bastions of privacy are encrypted messaging programs such as Signal and WhatsApp. These apps, which employ a technology called end-to-end encryption, are designed so that even the app makers themselves cannot view their users’ messages. Texting on one of…
Category: Featured News
As July 5th Rapidly Approaches, the New York City DCWP Provides Much-Needed Guidance on Artificial Intelligence Employment Practices and AEDTs
James A. Sherer and Brittany Yantis of BakerHostetler write: On May 22, 2023, the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (“DCWP”) held an employer roundtable about Local Law 144, New York City’s law regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence in the employment context—specifically, automated employment decision tools (“AEDT”). With the July 5, 2023…
Canada to launch probe into OpenAI over privacy concerns; this site submits request for investigation into Canadian universities’ research
On May 25, Reuters reported that Canadian privacy regulators are launching a joint investigation into whether OpenAI has obtained consent for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information of residents via ChatGPT. While that is certainly a question worth investigating, there are other questions concerning AI that also warrant investigation in terms of research…
Forest Hills School District social media lawsuit transfered to California
Phil Ray reports: A lawsuit filed by the Forest Hills School District against multiple social media platforms has been transferred to the U.S. District Court for Northern California, where it will be litigated along with at least 86 other civil actions. Forest Hills has joined other Pennsylvania school districts in suing many of the most…