A tweet from the World Privacy Forum pointed out this excellent article by Willie D. Jones on ieee Spectrum. Here’s a snippet: … “I don’t see how there can be an expectation of [EDR] privacy in a criminal case,” Gillingham insists. “When you’re driving on public land, you give up expectation of privacy.” Challenged on…
Category: Featured News
The White House threatens to veto CISPA
This may be the strongest pro-privacy statement I’ve seen from President Obama. Let’s hope it’s not just posturing and rhetoric: The Administration is committed to increasing public-private sharing of information about cybersecurity threats as an essential part of comprehensive legislation to protect the Nation’s vital information systems and critical infrastructure. The sharing of information must…
Wireless providers side with cops over users on location privacy
Declan McCullagh reports: The nation’s largest wireless providers oppose a proposed California location privacy law that would require police to obtain search warrants to track a wireless customer’s whereabouts, CNET has learned. […] S.B. 1434 would also require wireless providers to divulge “the number of times location information has been disclosed,” and how many times…
An Open Letter From Security Experts, Academics and Engineers to the U.S. Congress: Stop Bad Cybersecurity Bills
Via Dan Auerbach at EFF, this open letter to Congress: Dear Lawmakers, We are writing you today as professionals, academics, and policy experts who have researched, analyzed, and defended against security threats to the Internet and its infrastructure. We have devoted our careers to building security technologies, and to protecting networks, computers, and critical infrastructure…