The announcement appeared on the Telegram channel of a group calling themself “SiegedSec:” TIME FOR SOME 1337 H4CKTIVISM!!! (4 the record, we will still do blackhat stuff 😉 Like many, we are also pro-choice, one shouldn’t be denied access to abortion. As added pressure to the U.S government, we have leaked many internal documents and…
Category: Featured News
EFF’s Statement on Dobb’s Abortion Ruling
By Cindy Cohn and Corynne McSherry  Today’s decision deprives millions of people of a fundamental right, and also underscores the importance of fair and meaningful protections for data privacy. Everyone deserves to have strong controls over the collection and use of information they necessarily leave behind as they go about their normal activities, like using…
Judges clip EU countries’ wings on collecting travel data
Vincent Manancourt reports: European Union countries can no longer force airlines to hand over reams of passenger data — at least for flights within the 27-member bloc, according to an EU top court ruling on Tuesday. The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) said requirements for airlines to shuttle passenger data to national authorities…
Paving a Digital Road to Hell? A Primer on the Role of the World Bank and Global Networks in Promoting Digital ID
Digital Welfare State and Human Rights Project Center for Human Rights and Global Justice NYU School of Law June 2022 The beginning of the Executive Summary: Governments around the world are designing or implementing digital identification systems, often with biometric components (digital ID). The spread of these systems is driven by a new development consensus…