Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes: Who couldn’t love the idea ofthe new Amazon Cloud Drive? You get at least 5GBs of free cloud-based storage, and its trivial to get 20GBs of free storage on Amazon Cloud Drive. Used in concert with theAmazon Cloud Player you get a fine cloud-based music player that can be used either from…
Category: Featured News
Privacy: reidentification a growing risk
Melanie D.G. Kaplan interviewed Paul Ohm on the re-identification of supposed-to-be de-identified records. Here’s a snippet of the interview, which you can read in its entirety on SmartPlanet: Earlier this month the Commerce Department released a green paper that proposes a privacy bill of rights. What are your thoughts on this? I think it’s great…
Significant Test Case in Seattle on Lawfulness of Ex Ante Search Limitations in Computer Warrants
Orin Kerr writes: In a recent article, Ex Ante Regulation of Computer Search and Seizure, 96 Va. L. Rev. 1241 (2010), I pointed out a newly emerging practice of some federal magistrate judges in computer search cases. When the government applies for warrants to search for and seize computers, some judges are rejecting the applications —…
Thousands of FBI probes after 9/11 stir privacy concerns
Charlie Savage reports: Within months after the Bush administration relaxed limits on domestic-intelligence gathering in late 2008, the FBI assessed thousands of people and groups in search of evidence that they might be criminals or terrorists, a newly disclosed Justice Department document shows. In a vast majority of those cases, FBI agents did not find…