Jacqui Cheng reports: A federal grand jury has opened an investigation into mobile apps and what kind of personal data they might transmit about users, Pandora has revealed. The streaming music company recently amended its S-1 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to note that it had been subpoenaed to produce documents about…
Category: Featured News
Member states to clash with EU Parliament on passenger data
Valentina Pop writes: The European Parliament is likely to clash with member states over the use of EU air travellers’ personal data in the search for suspected terrorists, as the UK is pushing to change a draft bill initially designed for passengers coming from non-EU countries. Ahead of an interior ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg next…
A reader sheds some light on the Dutch biometric passport challenges
As long-time readers know, I have been struggling to understand what has gone on in terms of legal challenges to the Dutch passport law that requires biometrics. Every time a new decision has come out, at least a few readers have pointed out to me that the English translations – and my attempts to understand…
Documents Obtained by EFF Reveal FBI Patriot Act Abuses
Mark Rumold writes: In yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” FBI Director Robert Mueller testified about the Bureau’s desire to extend three expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act — PATRIOT Section 215, authorizing secret court orders for the Internet and financial records of innocent Americans; the “lone wolf” wiretapping provision, which…