Jason Douglass writes: A new iPhone App with the misleading name ‘PatriotApp’ attempts to draw on the power of the patriot movement, turning smartphone users into a gigantic snitch network. You might think an app with such a patriotic name might have useful functions like a pocket constitution or quotes from our forefathers. But contrary…
Category: Featured News
The War on Cameras
Radley Balko has a terrific article on Reason.com about an issue that has been mentioned a number of times on this blog: whether public servants such as the police have any right to privacy in the performance of their duties. The question garnered a lot of public attention earlier this year after a motorcyclist, Anthony…
Court gives school personnel a free pass for searching student’s cell phone
Venkat Balasubramani discusses a recent decision in a case previously mentioned on this blog: J.W. v. Desoto County School Dist., et al., 09-cv-00155-MPM-DAS (N.D. Miss.; Nov. 1, 2010) The Virginia Attorney General set off a small firestorm (e.g., “Should Teachers Be Searching Cell Phones?“) when he issued an opinion to the effect that principals and teachers…
Microsoft will introduce tracking protection in IE9
Dan Goodin reports: Microsoft says it will offer a privacy setting in the next version of Internet Explorer that will make it easy for users to keep their browsing habits from being tracked by advertising networks and other third-party websites. The feature, known as Tracking Protection, was unveiled on Tuesday, five days after the Federal…