The following is a rough version of a talk given by Danah Boyd at the 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Jerusalem, October 29, 2010 … Given the “Generations” theme at the conference this year, I’ve been asked to talk with you today about my research on teens’ understandings of social…
Category: Featured News
Going to the movies? Prepare to be watched while you watch
wconeybeer writes: Gaining entry to some movie theaters lately gives patrons an experience that is on par with going through a TSA security checkpoint at the airport. Then once you’ve gained access, there are cameras strategically positioned that record your every move. Unfortunately, the extent to which these companies monitor movie-goers is only going to…
Making anonymous calls in India? Your telco has to give you up
The identity of people making anonymous phone calls must be disclosed to the receiver by telecom companies as the public interest in such cases overrides the privacy clause, the Central Information Commission has held. The case relates to a resident of Kanpur, Hari Shanker Gupta, who was getting calls from two anonymous numbers on his…
UK: Information Commissioner announces outcome of Google Street View investigation
Once again, Google escapes serious consequences over its capture personal information from unsecured wi-fi connections. The press release from the ICO: Google UK will be subject to an audit and must sign an undertaking to ensure data protection breaches do not occur again or they will face enforcement action, Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said today….