As representatives of the global community of data protection and privacy enforcement authorities, collectively responsible for promoting the privacy of many millions of people around the world, we are joining together to express our shared concerns about the privacy risks posed by the Libra digital currency and infrastructure. Other authorities and democratic lawmakers have expressed…
Category: Govt
KY: Grievance filed at Metro Corrections after medical records made public
Senait Gebregiorgis reports: A grievance accuses c of violating more than 100 employees’ privacy and security of medical records. The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #77 filed the grievance Thursday requesting hundreds of dollars for each affected member. F.O.P. President Tracy Dotson said the interim major sent a department-wide email on Tuesday. According to Dotson,…
The House has OK’d a unique patient identifier. Here’s what should happen next
Shaun Grannis, John D. Halamka, and Ben Moscovitch have an opinion piece on STAT that begins: It isn’t every day that the House of Representatives takes bipartisan action to reverse a policy that’s been in place for two decades. But that’s what happened last month, when Democrats and Republicans alike voted for a measure designed…
French Regulator Says “Oui” to GDPR Fines for Under-Protected and Over-Retained Data
Alyssa Shauer of SheppardMullin writes: CNIL, the French data privacy regulator, issued a 400,000 euro ($448,358) fine against a company for GDPR violations stemming from sensitive information collected on its website. Investigating a complaint, CNIL discovered that the online real estate company Sergic allowed customer information to be freely accessed online and kept that information…