From Papers, Please! via Joe Cadillic: The Department of Homeland Security has posted the latest update to a series of Privacy Impact Assessmentsattempting to whitewash the invasions of privacy and human rights inherent in a comprehensive system of automated facial identification of travelers. The latest PIA reveals more than the DHS has previously admitted about…
Category: Govt
Lawmakers say Amazon’s facial recognition software may be racially biased and harm free expression
Zack Whittaker reports: Amazon has “failed to provide sufficient answers” about its controversial facial recognition software, Rekognition — and lawmakers won’t take the company’s usual silent treatment for an answer. The letter, signed by eight lawmakers — including Sen. Edward Markey and Reps. John Lewis and Judy Chu — called on Amazon chief executive Jeff…
Privacy breach in Canadian handgun consultations
Raymond Ayas reports: Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, Bill Blair, has admitted to a privacy breach in an online survey that was advertised to Canadians as “anonymous”. The government recorded the IP addresses of everyone surveyed during the 2018 handgun ban consultations. While the consultation process from Public Safety Canada is still…
Trump signs bill that creates the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Catalin Cimpanu reports: US President Donald Trump signed today a bill into law, approving the creation of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The bill, known as the CISA Act, reorganizes and rebrands the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), a program inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as CISA, a standalone federal…