AP reports: To track down people in Britain who may have broken immigration rules, the government is turning to a new and controversial source of information: doctors. Doctors who work with refugees and asylum-seekers have described the move as a major breach of medical ethics, saying it isn’t up to physicians to enforce immigration rules….
Category: Govt
State Department to Require Social Media IDs of Visa Applicants
From EPIC.org: In a Federal Register notice released today, the State Department is proposing that all visa applicants submit social media identifiers to the federal government. EPIC previously opposed the agency’s plan, warning that “this proposal leaves the door open for abuse, mission creep, and the disproportionate targeting of Muslim and Arab Americans.” Earlier this…
Statement by the FTC on Facebook privacy concerns
Tom Pahl, Acting Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, issued the following statement regarding reported concerns about Facebook’s privacy practices: “The FTC is firmly and fully committed to using all of its tools to protect the privacy of consumers. Foremost among these tools is enforcement action against companies that fail to…
NL: Two-thirds of men asked for DNA in murder inquiry give sample
I had reported on this story in the past, and now there’s an update from DutchNews.nl: Police say they are ‘satisfied’ with the response to a call for DNA samples to help them solve the murder of an 11-year-old boy in 1998, even though one in three people declined. Altogether more than 21,000 men in…